Today’s post is going to be a bit different, since this was more of an experiment than a recipe 🙂
Today’s post is brought to you by my KitchenAid Mixer attachment that my boyfriend got me for Christmas! These are NOT affiliate links, but if you’re interested in purchasing this equipment the links are below. These attachments were super easy to assemble and use.

- Freeze your attachments for at least 1 hour prior to grinding your meat, to keep it from getting too mushy
- Cut your beef into 1-inch chunks, and freeze for at least 20 minutes before grinding
- Run the partially frozen meat through your grinder a few pieces at a time using the medium-sized plate
- I purchased a boneless chuck roast, and used a combination of that 2.75lb piece of meat and half a pound of BACON

The above ratio of meat was able to make me 8 good-sized patties. Gently pat it into the general shape of a hamburger, and let rest in the fridge while you prep your other burger ingredients.

I cooked the other half pound of bacon in the pan, dumped some of the grease out (left a layer in the bottom of the pan), and cooked these burgers in the remaining bacon fat. After they were flipped, I put BBQ sauce, cheese, BBQ sauce, and put a lid on so the cheese could melt completely.

On the side, I peeled and chopped up Redskin Potatoes into french-fry-like shapes, and let soak in warm salty water for 45mins while I worked on my hamburger meat. Drained, patted dry with a paper towel, tossed with olive oil and seasonings, and placed in the Air Fryer for 15mins at 390. I checked at 10, 12, and 14mins because I’ve had potatoes burn before.

Final burger product was JUICY and DELICIOUS and I don’t think I’ll ever not-grind my own meat ever again, except for out of laziness. The meat was so much juicier, and I’m sure that’s partly due to being made of a good amount of bacon.
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