Homemade Pierogis

Homemade Pierogis

If you’re going to take any recipe from my blog and make it, you NEED to make this one. It’s a tried and true authentic Polish recipe. Do yourself a favor and MAKE THIS. SOON. LIKE…. TOMORROW MAYBE.

Homemade Pierogis

Recipe by Hangry SarahCuisine: PolishDifficulty: Medium


Total Time




Was it worth it?


This is my Babcia’s recipe, my father’s mother. Many Polish dishes have come from that side of the family, which will all be gracing this blog in the future!


  • Dough
  • 2 cups sour cream

  • 4 1/2 cup all-purpose flour

  • 2 Tbsp melted butter

  • 2 eggs, plus 1 egg yolk

  • 2 tsp salt

  • 2 Tbsp oil

  • Potato Filling
  • 6 redskin potatoes, or potato of your choice

  • Sour Cream

  • Butter

  • Milk

  • Salt

  • Pepper

  • Garlic Powder

  • Cheese, of your choice

  • A few bunches of green onion, chopped


  • Dough
  • In a large bowl, mix all ingredients by hand. Knead for 10 minutes until a soft dough forms. Cover and let rest for 10 minutes.
  • While this is resting, make the filling and set a large pot of water to boil
  • Cut in half, keep other half covered while you work
  • Roll out into a thin sheet. Use a drinking glass to cut the dough into round circles
  • Dip your finger in water and run around the edge of the circle, fill with 1 tsp of your filling (I used potato and cheese, you can use any traditional pierogi filling)
  • Fold over and seal into a half-moon shape
  • Boil the pierogis in batches until they float, approximately 5 minutes
  • After they have been boiled, saute them in batches in a pan of butter. Bonus: Add sliced onion for additional flavor!
  • Potato Filling
  • In a pot of salted water, boil your potatoes. It is recommended to peel and slice the potatoes so your filling can be smooth, but you can leave the skin on if you like the texture.
  • Drain the potatoes, place back in the pot and turn onto medium-low heat to cook off the remaining moisture
  • *Add in the butter, sour cream and milk until you reach a consistency that you like. Add in cheese, salt, pepper, garlic powder and green onion as the last step


  • *I generally start by adding 2 Tbsp butter, 1/4 cup of sour cream, and 1/4 – 1/2 cup of milk. I add more milk and sour cream according to taste and texture of the potato, since potatoes are generally not the same size.
  • Pierogis can be eaten once boiled, but I personally prefer the outer crust to be sauted in butter. This is the way I have eaten them my entire life!
  • Fun fact: as a child I refused to eat pierogis. Not sure what was wrong with me, or why my parents chose to keep me, but here I am!

2 thoughts on “Homemade Pierogis”

  • We’ve made pierogi before, but the dough just wasn’t what we were looking for. Tried your recipe tonight…OMG! So freaking good! I did a basic mashed potato with buttermilk, butter, chopped green onions, salt & pepper. Made a full batch and cooked a little less than half. Froze the rest on a sheet tray uncooked for a future dinner. Awesome all the way around!

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